I am a Funding Reviewer on a card why am I not getting e-mail notifications from OnBase that I have transactions in my queue(s)?
Funding Reviewers do not receive e-mail notifications directly, only the cardholder receives e-mail notifications. The cardholder can setup a rule in Outlook to forward notifications automatically to the reviewer so that they are notified when transactions require action. This is highly recommended. Business Operations is currently working to get e-mail notifications sent directly to the budget approver when there are transactions in the Dept Funding Review queue.
How do I know what my responsibility is for transactions in OnBase?
Responsibilities in OnBase by Card Role:
- Funding Reviewer Only
- Budget approvers work the Department Funding Review queue through which each transaction flows. Budget Approvers review and update the funding source and account code. For completed transactions, the Budget Approver selects Funded Send to Business Operations button. If a transaction is incomplete, the Budget Approvers may send the transaction back to the cardholder or proxy for additional information.
- Card Approver
- Approve all charges at the end of the month on the Monthly Activity Report (MAR) which takes the place of the Transaction Summary Log (TSL). This only occurs after the procard monthly close. The approver sees the MAR after the cardholder has certified the report.
- NOTE: Transactions must be sent to the next queue. If you just enter information and click Save Changes this transaction will stay in the current workflow queue. Use the buttons along the top tool bar to send the transaction to the next queue. Once you send the transaction to the next queue the transaction will no longer appear in your workfl
- Approve all charges at the end of the month on the Monthly Activity Report (MAR) which takes the place of the Transaction Summary Log (TSL). This only occurs after the procard monthly close. The approver sees the MAR after the cardholder has certified the report.
Is split funding by percentage or dollar amount?
Funding is split by Dollar Amount
Can the MAR be printed or downloaded into Excel?
Yes, there is now a print button on the MAR. As the reporting functionality is developed a report that can be exported to Excel is in development.
Is there a way to view just the transactions for one card at time?
In the web client the transaction screen is sortable by clicking on the column header that you want to sort by i.e. default speedtype, amount etc... If you have the Unity Client installed, then there is a filter option where you can see only the cards that you put into the filter.
What documentation should be used for reconciliation?
ProCard receipts are now attached to the CONT-03A/CONT-03B reports. The linked receipt and supporting documentation should be used to reconcile the ProCard transactions.
What is the timeline for workflow routing?
The timeline will vary by transaction. Most transactions have two department steps, Dept Charge Review and Dept Funding Review. Some transactions have additional routing, such as transactions funded by federally sponsored programs or an Athletics' speedtype, must go through additional workflow queues for approval.
At the end of the ProCard monthly cycle all transactions are moved to PeopleSoft for posting regardless of where they are in the queue approval process. Business Operations will work to ensure that transactions are processed as quickly as possible and help coordinate with departments to make sure transactions are not delayed unnecessarily.
What is this email about for “Additional Review Required” or ”Open Issues after posting to PS”?
Any time a transaction needs further reviewer before or after it is sent to people soft it will appear in one of the following two queues, “Additional Review Required” (before posting) or “Open Issues after Posting to PS” (after posting). These queues provide the Cardholder, Proxy, or funding reviewer to add or change receipts, add or edit the business purpose, and reallocate the transaction’s speedtype and account code if it has not already posted. The email serves as a notice to advise you of necessary next steps for processing.
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