- Why can I not access OnBase? Your OnBase account may be locked. Contact Business Operations Customer Service at or at 502-852-7549
- Why can I not add any attachments or comments to the Monthly Speedtype Reconciliation Form?
- The Monthly Reconciliation Form may be locked
- Leaving the speedtype reconciliation form pulled up and the OnBase session timing out will cause the form to lock
- Forms should always be closed after actions are complete
- Contacted Business Operations Customer Service at or at 502-852-7549
- Why can I not see the Monthly Reconciliation Form?
Unity Client: Click the Primary Viewer button the Workflow Tab:
Web Version: Right-click in the white space above the task bar options and select "See Other User's Items" Select Primary Viewer as shown below:
Then select All:
A Monthly Speedtype form must be selected at the top and then the form will open in the window at the bottom.
- Why do I see two boxes in the window where I should see the Monthly Reconciliation Form?
Make sure the Secondary Viewers is NOT selected. Only the Primary Viewer should be selected as shown below:
- I received an e-mail, but when I click the link there is no speedtype reconciliation form to approve, where is it?
- Likely, someone else in the approval path clicked "Approved Send to Completed". This can be done by the PI and Departmental Approvers.
- End-users can still view the speedtype reconciliation approval form but they must do it in document retrieval. There is a video for document retrieval found here.
- Instructions on how to look up the form are below:
- Go to Retrieval>FI - SPDRECON - Monthly Speedtype Form>Enter the speedtype
- Look under Actions on the form to see if anyone sent the form to complete:
- I am in the workflow in OnBase why can I not see the work queues?
- If users cannot see the workflow queues make sure they are on Life Cycle View:
- I am a CO-PI on a Sponsored Program how can I approve the reconciliation?
- CO-PI’s can be setup as the Manager. Only the main PI will be loaded into OnBase
- The Manager will approve before it goes to the Departmental Approver(s)
- I am a Manager, why do I not have the "Approve with Changes Requested" task button?
- The Manager does not have the "Approve with Changes Requested" option because if that option is selected the speedtype reconciliation will workflow back to the Reconciler. Changes will be made on the reconciliation and will appear on the next month's statement. This will end the workflow for the reconciliation and the Departmental Approver will not be able to Approve. Instead, the Manager should enter the comments in the Manager Comment Box of what changes are needed and also letting the Departmental Approver(s) know that they should click the "Approve with Changes Requested" once they have reviewed the reconciliation for the month.
- I am a Departmental Approver, why did I not receive the reconciliation for my speedtype this month?
- If a speedtype has no activity for the month then there will not be a speedtype reconciliation form generated. The last reconciliation for the speedtype can still be viewed in Document Retrieval in OnBase
- Departmental Approver or PI may have clicked "Approved with Changes Requested" or "Approved Send to Completed". Either one of these buttons will move the speedtype reconciliation form out of workflow. The reconciliation can still be viewed in Document Retrieval but additional approvals cannot be obtained.
- How does OnBase determine the order in which the Departmental Approvers will approve?
- OnBase allows up to three Departmental Approvers. The order cannot be predetermined. If you have more than one Departmental Approver it is recommended that one of those approvers is assigned the Manager role in OnBase. This eliminates two Departmental Approvers working out of the same queue. If a Manager Role is assigned there must be at least one Departmental Approver.
- Why is a speedtype reconciliation still in my queue after I have reviewed and approved it?
- After you review the reconciliation for the month one of the task buttons must be clicked to trigger the workflow. If a speedtype reconciliation is in your queue after you have reviewed it then you must go back into the reconciliation and choose the appropriate task button.
- Can a non-UofL employee have a role in STARS?
- The recommendation is that the non-UofL employee can be emailed the statement. Their approval can then be put in Other Attachments on the OnBase form for the month.
- A sponsored account can be given to the person you will need to submit a request for a sponsored account for her. That will get the person a UofL ID. The sponsored accounts are good for 6 months, then they expire and the request will have to be resubmitted.
- What is the university policy on reconciliation?
- The current reconciliation policy can be found here.
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