A journal voucher is the way to move funds between speedtypes, account codes and/or departments.
Review the Finance Responsibility Matrix: before preparing a Journal Voucher, review the matrix to ensure the transfer between speedtypes is allowable. For further information and to view the matrix, click here.
Journal Voucher Form and Instructions:
The Journal Voucher form and instructions can be found on the Controller’s office website here.
If your department uses BA then you should use the BA JV form. Instructions are found here.
Important items to remember:
Expenses greater than 90-days old: If the expenses are greater than 90 days old, the journal voucher must be routed to the Lead Fiscal Officer (LFO) or designated 90-day approver prior to submission. The listing of the LFOs can be found here.
Transactions involving multiple fiscal years: If multiple fiscal years (July 1 to June 30) are involved in the transaction(s), a separate Journal Voucher must be submitted for each fiscal year.
"Sweeps" on payroll transactions involving Sponsored Programs: When it is necessary to recharge payroll transactions, before performing the fringe calculations, you will need to remove the “Sweeps”. Sweeps are the items that are not chargeable to a sponsored program and are removed (swept) from the sponsored program on a monthly basis. The earning codes for sweep transactions are DBRH and TUIREM.
A Cost Transfer Justification Form (CTJF) If a sponsored program is involved, the Cost Transfer Justification Form (CTJF) is required. A fillable CTJF is attached at the bottom of this article.
OnBase Submission: When the Journal Voucher form has been completed and all necessary approvals have been obtained, the form must be uploaded into OnBase for processing. The instructions and form can be found here.
OnBase Retrieval: Instructions on retrieving a Journal Voucher in OnBase can be found here.
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