Business Operation's Payroll Funding Team utilizes the Payroll Change Request Form to receive payroll funding source changes for the departments they service. Please fill out the PCRF attached and email it to A full year of funding must be provided. For example, if there is a sponsored program that ends 3/31/23 we must have a speedtype for 4/1/23 - 6/30/23.
If you have an employee with multiple position numbers (PCN's) AND the funding is the same for all PCN's you can list all the PCN's here by separating them with a comma and a space after the comma see sample below:
A Cost Transfer Justification Form must be provided when a payroll change requires a PAT (Payroll Actuals Transfer) or a Journal Voucher is required. For information on the Cost Transfer Justification Form click here. Business Operations will notify the department when and if this is needed.
Instructions can be found on the form and below:
Yes/No Questions:
Yes/No Questions Explained:
1. If yes, you will need to complete a Cost Transfer Justification Form for each sponsored program speedtype involved.
2. There must be an adequate amount of uncommitted balance available to cover this expense on the receiving speedtype.
3. If the speedtypes involved are from multiple departments, you must obtain email approval to use those speedtypes.
4. Fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30. The funding must span the entire period of time.
Set Information:
Set Information Explained:
A "SET" reflects the requested funding during a specific amount of time. Each instance where funding sources begin or end will require a new SET. A total of 4 Sets is provided on the form. If additional sets are required, please insert additional rows into the sheet and copy as needed. For additional explanation on calculating SETS, please see the PCRF example, located on the EXAMPLE PCRF tab of the workbook attached.
For each SET:
- Enter the beginning and ending date
- Enter the department number who owns the Position Control Number
- Enter the speedtype
- If project accounting is used on the speedtype, enter the project
- Enter the percent effort for this speedtype
- Enter the ending date of the grant or contract. As programs end June 30, there is no need to enter that information
- Ensure that the total effort equals 100%
Comments or Special Instructions:
Enter any comments or special instructions
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