The instructions and video below will explain how to change the Description for an award that has already posted in BA4.
Typically the award description would get updated in the DIW before it is posted, which would then flow forward to the Award Listing. However, after the transaction has been posted, changing the description in the DIW will not flow forward to the Award Listing. We are going to change the description for an award that has already been posted from the DIW.
Start by logging into BA4 using Google Chrome. Make sure that the Area is set to match the speedtype, then click on Transactions > Award. Enter the speedtype into the white search bar. Sort the results by date and then click on the blue Reference link for the award you want to update.
The Comments column is not the correct location to change the Award Description. The bold black text in the upper left corner is the Award Reference, and the bold blue text is the Award Description. To change the Award Description click on the Edit link for the Transaction Information box. A new window will pop up.
Run the PI-03 for the speedtype and month to get a description from the Budget Journal Report. Copy the description from the PI-03 to the Description field on the Transaction Information window and Save.
Editing the description is slightly more complicated if there's more than one award description on the PI-03. In that case, you will need to spit the award in order to reflect what is on the PI-03. Go to the Actions Pane on the right and click Copy Transaction.
BA is going to require a new Reference Number - Use the same reference as the original, but add a "-01" to the end. Click Copy and then the page will refresh to display the new Award Reference. You can add or remove lines, and change Amounts as necessary. Make sure to Save using the blue disc on the far left of the line. Edit the Description using the Transaction Information window. Once complete, use the web browser's back button twice to return to the Award Transactions and then Refresh the page.
Check that the awards for that month match the information on the PI-03. Use the Award Reference link and the Transaction Information to change the Amount and Description to continue updating as necessary.
Please watch the attached video for a demonstration.
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