Click on speedtypes on the Accounting tab:
All speedtypes should appear in the list as shown below:
Additional columns can be pulled into this listing by clicking on Hide/Show columns button on any of the fields:
Click on Edit List on the Actions Menu on the very right of the screen:
Filter for only speedtypes that are year 2022 by clicking o the Filter by Column on the Year column:
Only speedtypes with the year 2022 should now be in the speedtype listing:
Go to Actions Menu and click FY Rollover with Payroll - this will not affect any pay docs it will only update the fiscal year:
There are several options that appear:
Create a New Speedtype Year when you are ready for the next fiscal year to be added. Set Next Year as Current only once June has been reconciled.
To check or uncheck all speedtypes at one time click on the white box at the top of the header row as shown above.
To add payroll documents for the new fiscal year see the article found here. To add operating encumbrances to the new fiscal year see the article found here.
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